
WVJC Morgantown Nursing Graduation 2019

Group Graduation Nurses | WVJC
A few weeks ago, WVJC-Morgantown held our annual graduation for the April 2019 registered nursing class!  As with so many other things in this class, their graduation represented their strong personalities and their defining characteristics.  There were many tears shed, many joyous smiles, and above all, an amazing sense of accomplishment at having completed an accelerated Registered Nursing program in 18 months. One might think that in order to be successful in this fast-paced, intense program that you would need previous medical experience.  While it can make the program a bit more manageable, it is not a pre-requisite. In fact, WVJC’s graduating class was comprised of many different personalities and backgrounds. To give you an idea, here are a few of their stories.

We had a student who joined us from the coal fields. He was used to hard labor and long days. When he met with his admissions representative, he told her that he needed a career that could offer more stability for his family as he didn’t know how long the coal field would be there.  His years spent working long hours transitioned easily to WVJC’s accelerated nursing program.  It provided him the foundation he needed to be successful.

Another student came to WVJC as a 29-year-old who worked at a bank. Although she was successful in her field, she was feeling unfilled.  When she made the decision to follow her passion and change career paths, it was a challenging 18 months. She persevered and made the decision to make the decade of her 30’s the best ever.

Our students are a diverse group, ranging from LPN’s, to military veterans, to Starbuck’s Baristas. Although their backgrounds differ drastically, they all showed perseverance and dedication to their education.  We are proud to welcome our April 2019 Registered Nursing class into the medical field. We have high hopes and wish them the best of luck.

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