
WVJC Online Humanizes Career Prep Course

Career Management Representatives at WVJC Online have been working hard on humanizing the learning experience for our online students! In our Career Preparation course, students and instructors are now required to use a video response in discussion posts. This tool has allowed instructors to identify areas of improvement and to better serve the student when it comes time to interview. It’s been so great being able to see students virtually expressing their thoughts, suggestions, and research regarding the career search process.

While it is sometimes difficult to assist someone remotely, Career Management finds that the students who learn online have such a drive and passion for their field that they tend to find jobs either through networking or externships. WVJC has multiple Career Management Directors throughout three different states. Those directors are assigned to students in their first six weeks and work with the student throughout the entire duration of their program and even after their program. WVJC has developed relationships with employers in the tri-state area who work with us on job placements should students need extra help!

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