
What Does the Future of Cybersecurity Look Like?

What does the future of cybersecurity look like? Cyberattacks are the fastest growing crimes in the U.S, with damages exceeding $6 trillion globally in 2021. Every type of organization is at risk, including nonprofits, small businesses, health, and medical facilities, large corporations, and more. 

Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, which means more significant opportunities for a rewarding career in the ever-growing field of cybersecurity. Read on to discover more about the future of the industry and its expected trends! 


Cybersecurity is as relevant as ever with the development of modern tech, information technology, and more. As cyberattacks grow more sophisticated, so do the responsive methods to reduce them. Companies with online assets are beginning to realize this and are increasingly giving more attention to protecting their back-end computer systems.

There are particular threats common to cyber criminality that all cybersecurity professionals should be aware of; learn about some of them below: 


Malware is a category of cyberattack related to software that carries out predatory threats. In other words, malware is a cyberattack that intends to exploit any programmable device, service, or network.

Ransomware continues to be the biggest threat to the integrity of company longevity. Malware programs often run silently in the background of other computer programs looking for ways to extract data for financial gain. For example, ransomware often targets personal and corporate devices until the owner of the information pays a monetary ransom. Research confirms that ransomware attacks are becoming more costly and common.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are another popular method of cyber criminality. Scammers conducting phishing scams will contact unsuspecting individuals or companies in an attempt to extract sensitive information, or data, related to the victim of the scam. These scams are most often attempted through email but have been known to occur over the phone, text message, or social media applications.

Smart technology has forever changed the way people communicate, express themselves in their communities, and conduct business. As a result, cyber criminality is here to stay. Criminals will continue compromising information and adapting their methods to withstand the future of cybersecurity technology. 


In the last seven years, data breaches have noticeably increased. The way businesses and business leaders respond to these breaches defines the future of cybersecurity and the trends it creates for years to come. 

A Growing Need

Hackers are growing in sophistication with the employment of automation and machine learning, but so are cybersecurity professionals. Specialists in this field utilize state-of-the-art equipment with advanced algorithms and technology to prevent breaches before they can cause any serious damage. 

In response to these trends, a growing need for trained professionals has been sustained. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates a 28 percent growth between 2016 and 2026 for information security analysts, who safeguard their companies’ data. This is significantly higher than the seven percent average growth that the Bureau predicts for all jobs.

Policy Trends

Cybersecurity professionals are setting trends in technological policy every day. These policies shape local and national levels of cyber protection and maintain new safety protocols for companies to follow. 

Cybersecurity specialists are encouraging companies to implement better incident response, contingent operations, and disaster recovery plans. In this regard, cyber criminality has become the impetus for expansion. 

A career in cybersecurity is fast-paced, evolving, and always adapting to the newest trends — making this field an exciting career option for motivated persons of cybersecurity. 


WVJC Online offers a Cybersecurity program designed to give you the necessary tools needed to become a valuable asset to private, nonprofit, and government entities.

Do you think you have what it takes to make it in the growing field of cybersecurity? At WVJC Online, you’ll learn to develop and maintain skills under the guidance of qualified educators, have the opportunity to sit and pass relevant certifications*, and receive real-world experience through our externship program. 

Learn more about our program or give us a call at 877-25ONLINE.

You can also download our FREE Ebook to begin learning about what it takes to get your degree in cybersecurity! 

*Certification is contingent upon passing the corresponding industry certification exam.