
Thankful For Our WVJC Bridgeport Students

BPORT Thankful For Students 3 scaled e1605895285579 | WVJCFrom the first moment a student comes to campus, they become part of the WVJC family.  To some, the definition of family means a group of people related by blood or ancestry.  At WVJC, our family has nothing to do with genes and everything to do with caring, compassion, and support.

Autumn in West Virginia is a time a reflection, gratitude, and spending time with family. While dinner preparation or traveling may be stressful for some, it is a great time to stop and appreciate all that we have. Faculty and staff at WVJC were asked what they were most thankful for this year. A ton of great responses were received, but with one recurring theme: our students.BPORT Thankful For Students 2 scaled e1605895296786 | WVJC

WVJC Bridgeport Campus President, Jenica Greynolds, says she is most thankful for the moments with students who have struggled academically or personally throughout their program, but never gave up and tried harder despite challenges.  “These are the students that come to me for tutoring or advice, and when they get to the end of their program the pride on their face makes all the hard work and time spent with them worth every minute,” added Greynolds.

Medical Program Director, Caitlin Syrews, said she is grateful for her students because they keep her laughing and on her toes. She remembers laughing hysterically over a student putting their gloves on backward. She really believes that adding fun to education at WVJC makes a lasting impression, and is thankful to our WVJC students for allowing her to do so.

The Career Management Director, Amber Porter, is thankful and proud of our students daily.  She enjoys watching our students become professional and confident in the process.  She said, “The best part of my job is watching them become professional and seeing the excitement when they get the job.”BPORT Thankful FOr Students 4 | WVJC

Financial Aid Director, Alice Middleton, describes why she is thankful for WVJC students, especially during these trying times: “During a time of uncertainty with COVID 19 our students keep pursuing their dream, they always stop in to say hi and see how you are doing.  I am thankful that we have students who are compassionate and caring and will be a great role model in society.”

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Noticeably, we are thankful for our WVJC students not only now, but every day. Current Medical Assisting student, Alyssa Shue, says it is obvious that WVJC cares about their students.  She said, “Anytime I have a question they never hesitate to explain and make sure I understand it before moving on. They also always make us feel comfortable and not to be afraid to speak up.”

This year, WVJC is taking the time to reflect on all the positives. From students overcoming difficult challenges, taking the time to have fun, becoming professionals in their careers, and pursuing their dreams, there is always something to be thankful for. WVJC is most thankful for our students.