
Brady Price – Student Highlight

Meet Information Technology
Student Brady Price!

Brady Price - Student Highlight
Brady Price is a recent graduate of Bridgeport High School, Class of 2022. Brady is currently on the President’s List and Dean’s list. He enjoys staying active, working out, and going on bicycle rides. His favorite movies are Mission Impossible and Fast & the Furious movies. Brady also has a YouTube channel where he posts about upcoming Apple products and reviews want he gets. He stated he doesn’t always review every product.

Brady chose West Virginia Junior College– Bridgeport because he was interested in the Information Technology program. He also liked the fact that it was close to home. He stated that “WVJC is an excellent choice. The class sizes are small, which allows teachers to give students individual help when needed. Plus, the hands-on classroom experience makes learning fun and meaningful.”

His favorite part of attending WVJC is the teachers. He said, “The teachers make classes fun and exciting to learn. When asked what his favorite class is, Brady expressed, “I enjoyed Introduction to Computer Hardware because we had the opportunity to build our own computer and learn what each component does inside a computer to make it operational.”

In addition to enjoying the Introduction to Computer Hardware course, Brady is excited about his upcoming networking class. He really enjoys setting up computers and problem-solving when technology doesn’t work.

Brady’s ideal job after graduation is to work for a local company as an IT Technician. Five years from now, he wants to be successful at being an IT Technician and making money.

Preparing for the future…..It’s a question Brady put a lot of thought into. He states, “I have been learning how to work and communicate with others in group projects. College has challenged me to think more independently and has pushed me out of my comfort zone to find answers and solve problems.”

Advice that Brady would offer for someone looking to attend WVJC would be to prepare to make adjustments… attending college right out of high school is an adjustment. It takes work to keep up with all readings and assignments. Putting forth your best effort each day is essential to your success.

Are you ready to start your path to a new career? Request Information to get started at WVJC!